About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

One Cold Approach Can Close a Ton of Chicks

've been in reverse-engineering mode for the last couple of weeks, thinking of things I've done, recently or in the past, that were solid that guys can use to improve.

One simple thing I used to do way back when I started could make PU ALOT easier for alot of guys.

Picture having to do only ONE cold approach, and in turn getting introduced to a handful of girls for you to have your pick from AND you'll already have good PR thanks to having a girl put in the good word for you. Picture even girls with bfs handing you girls on practically a silver platter...

And its not even complex.

In reality, the technique itself is really simple, but for the most part requires you to have a pretty good grasp on gaming girls in general and having some decent social skills. But even then, I could see this working for even the new guys if they can get #closes.

I call it "stringing" girls.

In essence, its like mini-social circle game, except that you don't have to build your own. You just invade someone else's until you get a few closes, then you start over.

So... you have some cold approach skills. Thats a given seeing as how PU is based mainly around cold approaching. You can approach as many girls as you want, #closing the girls that are even remotely interested in you.

How you run your game doesn't particularly matter. Day game/club game, various methods, etc. doesn't make a difference. I don't recommend(although this just from general experience and not implicitly field tested) to run explicitly direct game. By that I mean, directly implying from the beginning that you want sex from HER. Direct is fine, simple, and straightforward. Thats great. Just tone it down if you're normally VERY direct.

Having the girl interested in you and having a degree of sexual tension present so that she views you as a sexual guy is in my opinion, relevant. And thats simply because I normally can't help but create that tension when I run sets. So if you find yourself with girls with whom you haven't built any sexual tension, if "stringing" isn't working, that may be the first thing you want to start changing.

If she has a boyfriend, just befriend the guy if he's there. If he's not there, who cares. You're not even trying to seduce her. You can even disqualify yourself if you want.

Being a generally sociable guy makes it really simple. You're a fun guy, you enjoy meeting people and hanging out with new friends. So in meeting this girl and running your game, its normal to ask about what she and her friends do for fun. Say they like clubbing, or going to the movies, or whatever. You now have pretense(in her eyes anyway) to see her again.

Pretense: whatever it is her and her friends do for fun.

If you have no common sense at all, that means for you to say something along the lines of "Oh yeah, that sounds like fun. Us and all of your friends should hang out and do that sometime." Structure your #closes in context of meeting her friends(pacing).

You really don't have to have super mack tight game, believe me, lol. As long as she's interested in you, comfortable with you, and remotely attracted to you, this is normal. You aren't even trying to have sex with her. Just hang out with her and her friends which is how most people enter social circles. They just normally don't do it through cold approaches.

Phone game is a cinch... whatever you normally run. Even if its nothing but calling to fluff for 2 minutes before you set up a meet. Converse as you see fit. How ever you structure meeting up, you want it to be based on social events. Either plans that she's already made with her female friends, clubbing, parties that you're hosting or privy to, or other social events that you're going to that she can tag along to and it would make sense to bring her friends.

Simply put, give her logistics that make sense for female friends to be present.

In meeting up with her and her friends, your choice of pursuit is mainly up to you.

Being fun and interesting and entertaining to the group is great.

Try to keep the first girl happy as she is your credibility in her social circle, at least until everyone else likes you.

ALWAYS try to at least disarm the alpha female in any given group. Winning her over will just make it that much easier. Seducing her first will usually net you a few of the other girls on its own as long as she's not framing your interactions as grounds for a relationship.

The girl you approached is likely to see you as just an attractive "friend" and if anything will try to hook you up with a girl that needs a "relationship" the most. You still don't exactly have to let her pick where you start for you, but its probably best that if she does this, you at least don't offend that girl.

Even then, try to watch the group dynamics and how they interact with others and you'll see which girls want sex the most, and you can start there.

I usually just flirt with every girl until I get a feeling for which girls are "open to being closed" and then proceed from there. I also joke and flirt with the first girl about how her friends all want to seduce me and steal me away from her. It usually nets a good laugh, but I guarantee when they have "girl talk", its deciding which one gets dibs on you "first".

I couldn't tell you how they work that out but its random between the girl that met you first, the girl that needs sex the most, the girl that needs a relationship the most, and the alpha of the group. Sometimes those overlap onto one girl. Far as I can tell(even though I've only been through a small few social circles this way) is that alpha(if there is one) gets dibs if she wants to, and if not, it works its way down depending on their own dynamics.

That in and of itself is irrelevant if you want to just choose your own target, but realize for the most part that they will make it easy for you if you can pick up the hints, or harder for you if you give "relationship" girl the idea that you want a relationship.

If in the event that the group splits up after you arrive at a social gathering, take it as an opportunity to run game on a specific chick of your choice. Also, if only ONE girl splits off from the group, then its liable that she's the one that wants you(made evident by creating easy logistics for you to have more a intimate conversation).

If the group splits up and there are any girls in sets of two's, it could be that the girl who wants you most is part of the two set and has her friend there to regulate her BT in order to keep you from escalating so fast.

With all that taken into consideration, you can proceed as you like.

Normal rules come into play: isolate, escalate, close. If closing is logistically impossible, #close, and start on a day2 with her.

Post close game:

This is probably the simplest thing you can do that will make it easy to close another girl in the social circle.

Its called discretion.

But I read from some other PUA a funnier name for it that we're going to enjoy, lol.

"Eat quiet, eat twice".

For the most part, if you go running your mouth about closing one of the girls, you will have practically eliminated both repeated activities with that girl as well as any opportunity with the other girls.

On the other hand...

Its not like they won't already know. So... you need to assume that she has already gone and told the circle by the time you see them again. The rule still applies, so even in assuming they know, you DON'T HAVE TO tell them about it... even if they ask.

And they probably will.

You can usually just laugh it off and change the subject or frame control it away.

"If I did, youd be jealous wouldn't you? Awww, I didn't know you liked me so much. Thats sweet"


"Oh NEVER. You know X, she's SUCH a good girl, lol" Exaggerated and humorous.

You get the idea. It shouldn't make you uncomfortable at all, and you don't have to tell anyone squat. At best, its just a test to see how discrete you are so they can partake as well. They don't want a guy whose going to make them socially accountable for sleeping with him. Keep that in mind.

As far as the first close goes, you want to completely blow her away. Make it so good that she'll WANT to go tell all her friends. This is good because now they'll want something great from you like what you gave her. For the most part, make sure you give it as good as logistics allow, lol. If you only have twenty minutes because of crazy logistics, then make it the best 20 minutes of her life, lol. Put it down so she can give you good PR just like the girl you cold approached.

"Stringing" girls is probably "easier" to get good at than cold approaching as long as you have some decent social skills. Be a comfortable, cool, fun guy and let nothing make you uncomfortable, and you could probably limit your cold approaches to ONLY doing this if you wanted.

I really haven't done it in years. It actually gets old. Really. You go through this cycle 3 or 4 times in a couple of months and you'll probably have about 10 closes. Thats more than most guys ever get.

All I have to say is this:

Use your powers for good.


Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If you're comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.