About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Challenging a woman... Its necessary to be Great With Women

et me say, I'm not the the greatest PUA ever. Im no mPUA or any kind of guru. I've met guys who don't know what mASF is and have never heard of a PUA who are better with women than I am.

That said, I've slept with plenty of women. Plenty of women have been in love with me, infatuated with me, excited or intrigued or engaged by me. Though I''m not the best, I have success with women. Thank yall for being so interested, lol.

It appears to me that often in this Community, we tend to put too much emphasis on "what to do" with women, when we should be putting most of our emphasis on "who we are" and where our focus is.

I know, for almost every guy on the planet, it sounds SOOOO great to hear that you can get pull girls using a bunch of lines. Some of you have likely tried Speed Seduction. Its captivating to think that you can seduce a woman with just a handful of patterns. There are eleventy(lol) different methods out there and just as many gurus for learning how to seduce a woman. Theres even the advice that people in general give you. "Be yourself, be nice , be courteous, be a gentleman..." so on and so forth. There are so many options to choose when it comes to how you should approach women.

Ill tell you this, no matter what lines, patterns, methods/gurus, advice you use to try to attract women into your life, you can only "do" so much. At some point, who you are is going to show through. Whether that be 1st class chump, or the smoothest player around, who you are is going to begin to have much more control over what you do than your conscious mind can cover.

You can use all the material in the world, best routines and all, and even if you're successful with that, you'll only become dependent on the material to work for you.

Now, dont get me wrong, there are plenty of things you can DO that can begin to change who you are. You can be sexual with women, and this in turn will give you opportunity to be more comfortable with being sexual. And that will lead to you making women feel more comfortable with you. Because women want a man who's not afraid of his sexuality, who's not afraid to express it around women, and who wants her in a sexual way.

Take that as a hint.

But since we're on the subject of what we can DO, I'll get to my point. A woman by nature(as in being trained by society) will try to impose her will on any man at any given time. She's going to ask you to buy her drinks, buy her dinner, take her places, do favors for her, listen to all her problems... basically, she's going to ask you to drop your masculinity for awhile and serve her.

In and of themselves, these things aren't necessarily bad. The problem is that most men have nothing going for themselves to attract a woman other than attempting to BUY her affection or sex with gifts and favors. We call that supplication. Its a definite no.

I know alot of you guys are brand new to pick up. I know even more of you are probably struggling or have always struggled with women. I know many of you have had little to no success with women. Thats fine. But I'm assuming since you've been here, you've been reading up, and doing a few approaches, maybe even have some basic skill when it comes to interacting with women.

And maybe I'm taking it for granted that you're in the field approaching often, it can be difficult at first. Doesn't matter. I'm sure you know women, hell you have a sister, a mom, a cousin, classmates, co-workers, something, so no one has any excuse why they cant do what I'm about to tell you.

If you cant tell a woman no and then offer something that YOU want her to have, then you cant expect to sleep with a woman who tells you she wants a relationship(or money, or dinner, or dates, or a friend or whatever).

Plain and simple, YOU HAVE TO CHALLENGE WOMEN. If you're a pushover, if you supplicate, if you do all those things I listed earlier, if you give her only what she asks for and not what YOU want(and thats really what women want, a man that takes what he wants), then you will NEVER be successful with women.

I know the Community has a tendency to stress success with women as lays, but im not that shallow. I mean in the grander scheme of things, getting a gf, laying a girl, laying multiple women, having multiple relationships, having a woman that likes you for you and not what you can provide, or having women respect you in general. If you cant say no to the passing fickle whims that women have and follow up with telling her what YOU want her to have or hell, just what you want, success is impossible. Women simply do not respond to men who fall on their backs every time she says roll over.

So... what exactly do I want you to do to get this ingrained in your head?

I want you to tell 20 women, "No." I don't care if its your mom, your boss, your girlfriend(or wife, lol), whoever. And then, I want you to offer up a suggestion in return. And I want you to be a damn man about it. You don't have to be a jerk, or an ass, you can do it with a sense of humor. But what you wont do is do it timidly or be scared about it.

If a girl wants you to buy her a drink, tell her "No, but if she behaves you might give her a kiss on the cheek later."

If your mom asks you to help her with something, tell her "No, but ill get dad(or find you a boyfriend) to help you since I love you so much."

If a girl asks you for answers to a test or help with her homework tell her, "No, but if you cook me a nice dinner(or give me a nice back rub) I might let you be my study buddy(lol, yeah, i'm trying to set you up for some)."

Now I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you. I'm sure alot of you guys are smart. If the options I gave you don't fit a particular situation, then COME UP WITH SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN. And depending on the situation, you don't want to be inappropriate. If its your mom, obviously you don't wanna be an ass and definitely not sexual. If its your boss, don't "not do" anything that would get you fired. If its you're wife(lol), just tell her ass no over and over. Use a little sense.

And in case you didn't notice, in a couple of those examples, I did something very special. Sure, no woman will respect a man that is push over and does every single thing she asks and is always afraid to disagree. Sure, women want a man thats not afraid to say whats on his mind, go after what he wants, and take it when he wants it. But also, women VALUE a man when they have to invest in him. A woman thats not willing to do even small things for you, will probably not be willing to sleep with you. Offer women the opportunity to show compliance, and offer a reward if they do. And that offer of a reward doesn't have to always be verbalized.

If you can do this with 20 women, this alone, I promise that seducing a woman will eventually become second nature. In essence, being talented with women is simply being the type of guy that you honestly want to be, while at the same time, being decisive about what you want, making her feel comfortable about having sex with you, and her investing in you, whether that be time, attention, cooking, back rubs, sex, whatever.

And if you can do this, then you can progress to where you want to be with women.

Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If you're comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.