About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

NVP's Method for New Guys

If you haven't read my first post about where new guys should start, here it is.

New Guys... Start Here

Now that you have that down, its time to start adding more to it.

Nutrition - First off, time to start lifting weights if you arent already. Find you a nice 30-45 minute routine that you can do 3 times a week. Circuit training is great when you're new to the gym. Its a quick way to get your cardio up, tone your muscle, and get in shape. Now if you want to get buff, its not for you. But you can look up all types of programs on the internet. Supersets, circuit training, whatever.

Nutrition - And this ties into the first one. Start eating a more balanced diet. Stay away from alot of carbs in the evening. Dont drink lots of carbonated beverages. Drink plenty of milk, juice, and water during the day. Start eating half as much fast food(or less) than you usually do if youre into hamburgers and pizza and other fried things. Try and get at least three solid meals in everyday. A good breakfast, a light lunch, a light snack if possible, and a good dinner. Try to give yourself at least 4 hours between dinner and the time you go to sleep to burn off the calories you took in from dinner. You'll sleep alot better, feel alot better, and lose more body fat this way(as opposed to water weight).

Search for some good tips on club game. I would have, but I don't feel like doing everything for you, you know? You're all big boys now, you can go find things for yourself. Make it a point to start going to sarge clubs, bars, or any other place like that at least 1 night every two weeks. If not more. 3 times in two weeks is probably enough.

AtTheClub - Learn how to make insta-wings. Honestly, recruit the guys who look like they're having success with women. Just start talking to em. Talk about which girls are hot. Who had their ass on you and knew how to move. Whatever. Get these guys numbers so you can go to the club together again. These guys will be your naturals to pick apart to learn from.

AtTheClub - If you drink alot when you go clubbing, cut it to a minimum for a few months. Learn to sarge as clear headed as possible. If you never drink when you go to the club, try sarging after having 1 or 2 drinks. If you feel alot more comfortable and loose, try to keep that up for a couple of months. But dont go overboard. If you dont drink at all... Congratulations you bastard. You make alcoholics like me feel bad, lol. Just playin. If you dont drink. Dont drink.

AtTheClub - If its more of a dance club type of place and not really a bar, stop opening with damn routines, lol. If she's facing you, whether this is on the dance floor or not, go over to her, hold solid eye contact, you can even have a slight smirk on your face if you want to appear really comfortable (which you should be). Grab her hand(not hard you ass) and kinda just drag her off to the dance floor. If not her hand then her waist. You really dont have to talk alot of the times.

If she resists, just tell her, "You look like you can dance."

AtTheClub - If youre already on the dance floor, just step up behind a girl if she's turned around and pretend like you know what you're doing. She'll grind on you. If you just drug a girl to the dance floor or she was facing you, hold her hand, turn her around and bull her towards you. Not in a rough way though. Be fairly gentle, but be dominant at the same time. If she resists, just let her do her thing. Move on to another girl. If not, then get your waist close to her ass. She should start grinding. If not, and you dont know what to do, then you need to watch other girls grind on guys and get it down to where you can move her hips with your hands in the same manner when she's dancing on you.

AtTheClub - You will hear all types of bullshit excuses. I dont dance. I cant dance. My friend ... I'm too tired. I'm about to leave. I need to go to the bathroom. I need a drink.

Whatever. Default answer for any bullshit until you learn something better to say:


Then keep trying to do whatever it was you were trying to do (in this case, get her to grind on you for a song or two).

The entire point of this is to get you comfortable in the club, with the loud music, the liquor, smoke, not being able to hold a real conversation, ect. To get you touching women and moving in a way thats sexual. To get rid of fears that you may have about approaching women in the club. To get you comfortable period, so you can move on to bigger and better things.

If you can get a couple of dances in, and you have some good club game, feel free to run it now. If not, you can say whatever you want, go for a #close (which will probably be wood but that doesnt matter anyway), go for a SDL, whatever.

DayGame - The chick at the line at Mcdonalds, the girl who brings the pizza to your table at Pizza Hut, The car salesman(girl) trying to sell you on that shitty Mazda at some bullshit car place, The girl next to you in the computer lab, the foreign girl working at the stand at the mall trying to sell you lotion(if anybody knows where I got that from, they are probably laughin their ass off right now), the girl who asks you what size shoe do you wear at Foot Locker

You need to be talking to and flirting with all these girls. They have to talk to you. Their day jobs suck. Theyre probably bored out of there minds and need some fun convo and some relief from the losers that they talk to every day.

Unless you specifically came there to buy something, stop letting these girls talk you into buying shit. Pizza Hut and Mickey D's dont count because you came in there to buy food, lol. Flirt, tease, c/f away. Laugh, joke, and play, brighten her mood, tell her she looks kinda cute today, especially considering she's at work. Whatever. Say/do something. Be fun and interesting. Great practice - and you might get free food or a number too.

DayGame - Fun exercise for you to work at on your own. I get free food all the time. Just by flirting with girls. Can you learn how to get free food more often? And no you cant beg or say you're poor(unless its an obvious joke).

DayGame - Apart from with the "at their job" chicks, if you arent normally a Cocky/Funny type of guy, STOP USING IT LIKE ITS A METHOD. Lol, im naturally a C/F kind of guy. Its no more a technique to me than typing is to a computer nerd(no offense). Because if you run around being C/F all day long, she's going to have expecations from you that you simply cannot fill if all you're doing is spitting some lines.

Flirt, joke, tease, every once in awhile. C/F here and there when you need to. Other than that, just loosen up and be fun. Talk. Hold conversations. If you really cant think of anything, then just go the afc route and go down that list of questions they all ask like its an interview or something. As long as you're out there talking to girls, I dont care.

DayGame - YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY GO OUT AND DO THIS. I dont care if you work 55 hours a week. You need to take a sickday every week just to go out and do this if you want to get better. I'm not saying sacrifice your job, but if you want to get better, you have to sacrifice time that could be spent doing other things. You shouldnt be working 55 hours a week anyway. Its unhealthy.

DayGame - Read my other post(url above) and check out the posts on kino that are in there. Once you're comfortable with kinoing the girls hands and you can get into conversations a little easier, its time start pushing further. Flirt with girls, get them laughing, do false takeaways. All those techniques you read about. If you do get her laughing and flirting with you, this is your new routine.

"Awww, thats so sweet. You love me." Then put your arm around her and stand next to her. You know, like how you see people walk down the street with one arm over the shoulder and the other person has their arm aound the others waist. Simply, just put your arm around her, she'll follow suit especially if she thought that was funny or cute. This is your new routine. Get used to doing it until its natural. If you get good, you can change it around, add stuff to it, #close from it, whatever. And its probably gonna take just as many girls to get used to this, as it did with my first kino advice about holding the girls hand "forever."

Its alot of work, I know. Pretend like this is Nike. Just do it. And once you get comfortable, it'll be like Burger King and you can have it your way. Until then, you have to plenty to be doing.

Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If youre comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.



Anonymous said...

Hey man, I've been following your asf posts a while. Theres always guys that get good on masf and then leave. You are one of the top guys there in my opinion. Keep it up. I like Nashville too. You could probably charge silly amount of money but stay real man. Dont be a Guru. Tis aint Gangstar. We need guy like joseph and you offer top notch advice keeps. fuckin masf alive!

Nashville Playboy said...

Thanks man, I appreciate that. But hey, there are plenty of guys that are better than me. And understanding though I have, Im no guru. And hell, if I ever got to where I was running bootcamps or something, I dont think I could charge guys these ridiculous prices. $5,000 bootcamp. $2,500 seminar. Its rediculous. Even then, I'd never stop posting because of that.

Not to mention there is enough free stuff out there to get most any guy to at the very least, proficient. Believe me. I know I had a short learning curb and didnt have to do nearly as many sets or go out as much as most guys but its still doable. Just like anyone, it takes guts, desire, and time.