About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kino - Bring On The Touching

Number one reason why kinosthetics(touching) is not only important, but the reason why you should do it early, and I'll let you give me the answer. How many girls are you going to bed that dont even feel comfortable with you touching them?

Exactly. A girl isnt goin to let you anywhere close to her pants without being comfortable with you simply touching her. Even more so, the sooner you start with kino, the less likely she is to object.

Woodhaven has a great post about different stages of kino, incidental and overt. And these range anywhere from just brushing up against a girl and just sitting close enough to a girl that touching just happens to kissing and everything else. I'm not saying the sooner you start to rub on her vagina, the less likely she is to object. Maybe I aught to field test that first.

Anyway, what I'm saying is (and this is word for word something else I posted):

- What I've found though is that the earlier you start, the less you have to go through to get to later stages of kino. And by early I mean, as soon as you open your mouth (im exaggerating, but within the first 2 or 3 minutes)you should have at least touched her in ways other than shaking hands, at least a couple of times. For instance, if you say something jokingly, tap or punch her arm lightly as you say it. Touch her hand lightly for whatever reason. Move beside her and "accidently" brush up against her. If you're walking, walk close to her so that incidental contact is going to happen.

I'm real playful and I joke alot and use my sense of humor to get physically close to her very quickly. If you have any grasp on c/f, you can be sexual and funny at the same time, have her laughing and open the door to hold her hand, put your/her arm around her/you, hug, kiss on the cheek whatever in 5-10 minutes.

It makes it very easy to escalate later on because you've already been physical in a way that was more than incidental but by keeping the incidental contact mixed in as you're gaming her, you take the touchy/feely vibe out of the interaction. And the longer you wait to start kino, the more resistant she is to you advancing.

Why kinoing early works so well is that, and I know from experience that women(and people in general) are very accepting as long as there is no reason to for them not to be. What I mean by that is that once a girl perceives you in a certain way, she accepts that as who you are. Move too far away from that perception too fast and she's going to get uncomfortable killing whatever rapport you've built. Stay close to that perception and if need be, you can edge away a little at a time without any problem. The point then, is to start off doing things so that you will be perceived in a manner thats beneficial to whatever goal you seek. -

Most naturals I've seen and/or know, are good with kino and start early. Personally, I've always used kino. Even before I found the community. Then you realize how important it is and you learn to implement it every sarge.

For all of you new guys out there, you have to learn how to touch girls. Point, blank, period. You have to learn how to get comfortable talking to girls first, sure. But at some point you have to learn how to be close to girls. How to touch them. And how to be comfortable doing it in a way that feels natural. Its like saying some lines youre not congruent with. You go around huggin on girls and touching there leg and putting your arm around their shoulder but you dont really feel comfortable, they're gonna pick up on that and its going to work against you. But if you arent comfortable doing it, you just gotta push past that.

Another thing that kino is great for that guys completely ignore is the fact that it screens girls for easy and/or quick lays. You start touching girls as early as possible, its easier to gauge the girls that are HSD, are really comfortable with themselves, are physically attracted to you... anything that could be considered for lack of a better term, fool's mate. You might turn the conversation sexual to judge where you are in the sarge or how attracted a girl is to you. You use kino the same way.

You have to escalate at some point anyway. Why not escalate to see how comfortable she is with being touched as opposed to waiting until you feel like you've built rapport, and she's attracted to you, and you've had IOI's. On the flip side, you can blow things by trying to move too fast so it takes time to learn to calibrate.

You gotta learn how to cut it(kino) off at the right times too. When the girl is shit testing you or anything else counter productive, you have to use some judgement on how or even if you want to kino. She does something you dont like, I definitely suggest a takeaway. Rewarding bad behavior is a definite no, unless its bad in a sexual way, then thats different. Then you get to spank her for being a bad girl and when she starts to be a good girl, you can spank her for that too, lol.

And I know alot of guys dont get a whole lot of practice with new girls in the end stages of a sarge. And this applies to me as well because its alot easier to open than close. But you gotta get comfortable touching a girls body sexually. Kissing places other than her lips. You know, all the kino that happens right before you close.

Since most of us wont have a new girl every day to practice on, you gotta make use of your fbs and ltrs to get comfortable in general with a womans body. You'd think it would go without saying, but some guys still post saying they have know idea what to do. Well, if you can close at least one girl, just keep laying her and get used to what youre doing.

And I honestly feel slow typing this cuz its obvious. If you've had at least one girl(i mean, old girl friend, a new lay, that one sarge when everything went right, whatever) you've been completely comfortable with, and this is more than just about kino or sex, then that feeling of comfort is what you should be aiming for when you're with other women. I don't care what routines(that you do or don't use) or techniques or methods you use, if you cant feel comfortable and natural doing it, then in the long run, its not going to be at all productive.

Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If youre comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.



Anonymous said...

You seem to have a contradiction on the actual stuff of advancing kino early...then mentioning later on that advancing kino earlier could rip away the seams of rapport.