About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Secret To EVERY Top Guys Success

In this community, we have a tendency to idolize the guys with inhumane success with women. Thats cool, I'm not knocking it. Its just like basketball, or football, or anything else where talent can be compared and it can become competitive. The guys with success are idolized.

But in no other "field" have I seen where regardless of your background, your past, your handicaps in the same area, your demographic, your race, or even your age, the admirers can at some point(even in a relatively short amount of time) have success in comparison of the guys they look up to.

No 30 yr old, balding, out of shape white guy is going to be the next Michael Jordan. No guy living in his moms basement(no offense) with zero baseball experience, money, or connections is gonna turn into the next A. Rod. Its not gonna happen. But here, we have the opportunity, even the privilege, to pick apart the best of the best at what they do, make it a part of ourselves, and turn our lives into whatever it is we want. And compared to the time MJ took just practicing his jump shot, and the time A.Rod spent swinging his bat, the time we spend learning PU until we're successful is just a drop in the bucket.

And so its become a continual habit of guys in the community to pick apart guys that are better than themselves, learn what makes them tick, and apply it to themselves to reach the same level.

Every guy wants to be Gunwitch. Every guy wants to be Mystery. Every guy wants to be Juggler. And to a lesser extent, guys want to be Style or Tyler Durden(other than Style being rediculously rich, I cant understand why guys would want to copy "can I get a female opinion on something"). With as much success as theyve had, I'll tell you now, I want to be all those guys rolled up into one(not in a gay way, lol).

But listen, I dont care if you're a "Guru" all the way down to clueless newb or worse, the things that make the greats great are the same things that make the chumps, well, chumps.

In what the PUAs give advice on, in what we get from our field experience, in what we see in naturals and others who have success, there are three categories that everything we learn about PU fall under. When it comes to women, they define how successful you are and how successful you can be, as well as how much of a chump you are and how long you will stay that way. If you take any one of these away from me, or even Razorjack, Gunwitch, Mystery, Juggler, Woodhaven, Dimitri(and I mention them for their methods), or anyone else, they're gonna be chumps just like the guys out there that we as a community tend to look down upon. I dont care what kind of guru or teacher you are, your own method, regardless of how many LRs it generates, wont get you girls without these things.

The three principles that everything we learn falls under are this: being comfortable with women, being comfortable with being sexual, and being comfortable with yourself.

I dont care how many routines you stack, how many lines you memorize, how much you read on good BL, how much you practice kino, or how many approaches you do every day. If what you're doing isn't adding to one of these three categories, then you're wasting your time and your not going to get any better until you start doing something else.

You can memorize every stage of MM, quote it word for word, go into the field and watch Mystery himself in action, point out what he's doing and never be able to have even a measurable amount of success if you're lacking in even one of those areas. If you're not comfortable being sexual, I promise, no matter what routine you throw at her, she's never going to go into a sexual state. How is she gonna want sex with a guy who doesn't even feel like being sexual is normal. I don care if you have a million lines to carry the convo to bed, the minute you run out or stop talking(or even mid sentence), something is going to give. You cant fake 100% of everything 100% of the time. You cant fill in all the blanks that your material doesnt cover. Its not gonna happen.

Guys think that if they fill their game with bells and whistles(material, peacocking, c/f, etc.) and never get their issues solved, that they can meet, lay, and keep the chicks in life that they really want. I'm telling you that no matter how much you change your actions, if you're not building those three principles at the same time, you'll never have more than surface success. For example, approach artists. I shouldn't even have to go further.

This stuff should actually be a given. Guys post on being "On" and being on autopilot, we sit here and pick apart Guru after Guru to see what makes him great, we question every guy that posts a LR to figure out what made it happen. Hell, if you haven't figured out that the most important part of what we do is comfort, then it doesn't matter what they tell you or what you learn from them. You wont have near as much success as them doing the same exact thing.

And when I say comfort, Im not talking about as part of rapport. Thats easy. Childs play game. What guy cant build a little comfort with a chick? I'm talking about the hard part, the ability for you to be completely comfortable yourself. Comfortable around women, comfortable enough to have a conversation with a woman, comfortable when the conversation dies, comfortable when she's shit testing you to hell and back and even when she's not, comfortable whether you're just caressing her or dragging her to the bed, comfortable when she up and admits she wants to fuck, or comfortable when she never even gives you a hint.

This is what it boils down to. Being comfortable. In your own skin. Being comfortable enough to not worry so much about making the right moves, thats the right move. Being comfortable with women, with being sexual, and with yourself. And it doesn't happen over night. Yes it takes alot work. You need field experience. You need to come here and read. You need to work on your frame. You need to do alot of things, but if you're spending time doing something thats not adding to those levels of comfort, you're wasting time, stagnating, and probably wondering why "this isn't working" or "I cant get better."

You hear how guys talk about, "I said everything right, i made all the right moves, but still got blown out." Saying everything right and making all the right moves aren't even close to everything you need to get the girl(even more, arent always necessary), especially when you're looking to net new girls all the time. HOW did you say everything that you said, HOW did you do everything that you did? Theres tons of girls that only need ONE HINT of a lack of comfort in those three areas before your shit is a wrap.

And this is the real inner game we search for as we get better at PU. This is the solid foundation that puts all our material together for us so that when we hit the field, "I'm on." And I'm not expecting every guy to have this handled. I dont have those areas mastered myself, but I know what I'm doing, I know where I need to work, and I'm working on improving those every time im doing anything. But if you aren't making progress in those areas, then you aren't making progress.

Again, guys come into the community wondering why they cant get laid, why their routines aren't working, why they get blown out by AMOGS, why loser AFCs have more women than them, but then, they aren't even comfortable enough being around women to JUST HAVE A NORMAL CONVERSATION. LOL, its a shame. And then when guys tell them they need to just learn how to sit there and talk to a girl about any random bs, they question the advice and wonder how that's going to help them get laid. If you're not comfortable enough with yourself and with women to have a normal conversation, you're definitely not going to have what it takes to get her into bed with you or more. Not gonna happen.

Guys get LJBFed by a girl and talk about how special she is, how different she is, how its not oneitis. We tell them to GFTOW and we're the bad guys. There must be something they can say/do to change her mind. LOL. What advice can we give you when a girl see's its obvious that you're not even remotely aware of the principles I'm talking about. You need to be working one being comfortable in general before you start worrying about what to do with a specific girl that basically said you cant have her. We know it, she knows it, and you're the only one who thinks the flaw is in the method/material/strategy, lol. Come on now.

We argue about why canned material doesn't work and why it does. Why direct/indirect is better. Why natural game is the only way to go. Other than the fact that at some point, you have to go direct(doesnt matter how you open cuz openers dont get you laid), none of that shit makes any difference. What matters is that nothing you say or do should take away from those three qualities. Nothing you say or do should ever hint a lack of any one of those qualities. I'm not saying that you have to be perfect every time, but what I'm saying is, the stronger you are in those areas, the less you "need" your material to work for you because you're going to be doing so many other things that send the right signals and say the right things that it hardly matters what you say.

Call it on. Call it tight inner game. Call it great method. Call it whatever you want when you see it, but it starts with those three. With everything we have here, guys can and do get better. But imagine how much time guys waste(myself included) looking for the right method, or great lines, or material or anything else when they dont even have these basic principles covered or even just im mind.

I've read and heard tons of stuff on fixing your inner game issues. And I also hear as well as provide the same old arguments from time to time. How will this make me better? How will this get me laid? How does this really help my inner game? Look at you're own experience. From you're first understanding of this community(or even further back to your first interest in women) until now. If you haven't grown in your success, theres money on the table saying you haven't grown in any of those areas. And for the guys who's lives have taken 360's, everything theyve done to get better can be summed up into one(or all) of those areas.

You can even be more specific. When your level of success with women rises or falls or just levels out, you were gaining or losing or simply not improving your level of comfort. Honestly, look back. I can see in myself the same thing.

"Why you dont suck at PU, YOU SUCK AT LIFE!" doesn't have anything to do with the idea that having your life together makes women attracted to you. There are all kinds of guys with money, expensive cars, great jobs, and huge houses dont get laid. There are tons of guys in debt, walking, jobless, and staying with their mom that do. But if you need to change anyone of those situations to feel more comfortable with yourself, its either going to take you changing your situation or changing the way you look at life before you can be successful with women in the long run.

Its not the money or the materials that make you or break you. Its you. Its how much you let that shit matter when you do or dont have it that can make you or break you. Its always about you. Women are always about you. Success is always about you. And you can make all that happen when you have your head together.

There are plenty of people who are going to teach you techniques, routines, lines, and methods to use to get laid. Thats fine, most guys who come here are going to need alot of that stuff. Not many guys are going to show you the best way to make use of all of that or how not to really rely on it. This is what makes the guys who a great at what they do, great at what they do.

I once told a guy that this these three simple things are the entire premise for being good with women, just not in so many words. And the way I put it, I dont think I could've made it simpler.

Damn near word for word:

"I've found that anything productive that we can learn in this community almost always fall under these three principles. Being comfortable with women, being comfortable with being sexual, and being comfortable with yourself. If you lack anyone of those, hell if me, or ijjjji, or TD, Mystery, or Gunwitch lack anyone of those, success with women isn't gonna happen.

But even more than that, they all feed off of each other. If you're lacking in one department, you can feel like you're not successful in life. Everything you do in regards to learning PU and getting good with women should fall under improving one of those three categories. If its not, then its time to start adding more to what you're doing or doing something else. Even in your life outside of this community, if your job, your school, your hobbies, your general life, if its not adding to how comfortable you are with yourself(including being happy), then you need to start making some changes.

You want the path to inner game? There you go. I've opened the doors for you, all you gotta do is walk the walk. And its not easy. Im not a master of having my life together. But I've found as long as I'm making progress in what I want to be doing, I'm far happier than any HB10 or any handful of money can make me. Your real inner-game."

Your real inner-game.

Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If youre comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.



Anonymous said...

this is your most powerful essay. ever.

thank you.