About Me

I'm me... lol. A very laid back and relaxed guy, born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I have a variety of interests ranging from music to women... ok, almost exclusively music and women. I like to hit the gym, sing, read(even that one is new to me), and as some would call me: Pick-up Artist.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Love My Women

What most people wont teach you about PU is that its not ALL about getting ass, or getting girls, or even getting into relationships. Its not completely about building a skillset or perfecting your game.

PU is about balance.

Hard as it is to explain, possibly even harder to see, its always about finding a balance. And in the simplest sense, its about finding a balance in your life. A balance between molding your self into the person you want to be(a better description would be to grow) and building the type of lifestyle that you want for yourself.

But hey, I'm not going to preach to you. I know most guys come here solely to get laid. In actuality, this may not be all that they truly want, but this is where many guys set goals. So if youre wondering, "Hey, is NVP ever gonna explain to me how I can pull girls with this?" yes, yes I am. Just keep in mind, this isnt for everyone. Only for those who can accept it.

So I lied when I said Im not gonna preach to you, lol, but hell, learn a little bit about life that will lead you to success wherever you take it while learning how to pick up a woman at the same time.

I know alot of guys look up to "our" (as in the community's) gurus. In all fairness, though it may appear otherwise, I do the same. I can appreciate the ability of the guys who are the top. I can identify with Gunwitch. I can understand Juggler. I can appreciate Mystery. These and others have contributed alot to the community. And theres the age old argument, who's material is the best? I know, I know, but truth be told, the best material is simply what you can identify with. Solid material is solid. While they preach from different standpoints, theres many different ways to effectively paint the same picture.

But one reason I hold disdain for many "gurus" is that some teach that, "This is EVERYTHING that makes me successful with women. Follow this and you can become just as successful as I am." And not to pick on him, but I have to use Mystery as an example. Yeah you have the M3 model, and VAH, and all the workshops that he teaches, but dont think that he "teaches" everything that makes him successful. If you only master everything in his methodology, his material, his structure, and mimic his implementation, you'll never be as successful as he is nor as successful as you could be.

Mystery, Gunwitch, Juggler, etc... theyve all spent years... YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS... mastering some principles that you cant copy with material and structure alone. These guys have spent years simply learning to be comfortable around women. If you never make TRULY being comfortable with and around women a priority, you will never see the full potential of MM or any other method or material for that matter. It simply cant happen other than by choice or accident.

With that said, I'd like to tell you something about me that makes me successful(I know, I cant compete the with guys I mentioned, lol, but theyve got thousands of hours of field experience over me). Something that defines me long before I even begin an interaction, or isolate the chick, or even long after the close.

A major element in my success with women is that I love my women. I know youre thinking to yourself "this guy practices and teaches other guys how to get into bed with women, who is he to tell me I need to love women?"


Im not saying Im in love with every chick I meet, or even that I love every woman that I keep around longer than one night. Im saying that in general, I love women. No hidden motives, no misleading guises, I honestly love women. I appreciate them, their physical beauty, their personalities, their quirks, their strong points and their flaws alike. And in this game, this is one of the few areas where balance plays little influence. To get really good, youre either going have to throroughly despise women because of their many flaws, or deeply love women in spite of them.

And Im not going to tell you or teaching you to hate women. Sure, being misogynistic can help you be a good player at times and help you find ways to take advantage of situations that will get a woman in bed. But it cant help you be a good leader at all. You can go through life lying to and misleading women, or punishing them for every flaw they have, or taking from them whatever it is you want. Honest truth, alot of women will accept it. But living like that is empty for most guys. You dont have to go that route to get girls if you dont want to.

And at the same time, most women NEED to be led. When it comes to men, sex, and relationships, women in general simply do not have it in themselves to lead an interaction in a manner that will benefit not only herself, but give the two of you what you want.

Many people debate over who's responsibility it is to lead. Alot of guys say that its not their job to take responsibility for her happiness. And thats true, you're only as responsible as you choose to be. But most guys want better quality and quantity in their choice of women. And again, if you want to step into the big leagues, to be good, youre going to have take alot of that responsibility away from her. You truly have to step up and lead. But you're only responsible as long as she follows.

If she constantly keeps things from moving the direction youre trying to take them and she's unhappy, you simply cant be held accountable for that. You cant cater to every woman who's too stubborn to do whats best for her. Women sabatoge themselves alot of the time, and thats not your fault. Now when YOU are the one who messes it up, theres no one to blame but you, and thats fine. You have to be comfortable with that. Its a part of being a great guy. Not necessarily a great PUA, but being a great and sincere person can help in making you a better pick-up artist.

I have women tell me how great I am. They tell me I'm wonderful. How I make such a difference in their life. How they're better off because they've met me. How theres nothing that makes them happier. My women love me. And if I never banged a new chick again, I wouldnt trade the feelings I get from pleasing my women and them pleasing me.

And I cant make anyone want this, but for me, its not ALWAYS about some ass. Sure I love some no strings attached fun at times just like any other guy. Then, at times, I want other things that women have to offer as well. And I know when you get better with women, sometimes its hard to view them as more than just cheap sex. I've been there. But at the same time, some women can give you great sex AND be great friends and turn into great relationships, and be great loves of your life. And there are times when this can make me 10 times happier than the hottest, or the freakiest, or the "whatever-it-is-iest that you can think of" girl can make me.

Despite what it may sound like, I am completely against supplication. The clearest way I can put that is, never do anything for a woman just because you think it will get you somewhere, or make her like you, or get her in bed with you. Thats not where I'm gpomg at all.

And I'm not talking in the realm of PU, but in how you treat women, and the things that you'll do for them, especially regardless of how they treat you. I wont sacrifice my dignity to get laid. I wont lose my self-respect just to make a girl happy to get her in bed. And that in itself is part of loving women. I have too much respect for myself to do that, sure. But I KNOW that women dont need that, its unhealthy for the both of us, and I cant lead them in the right direction by doing so.

You'd probably think that having beliefs like this would lead to having oneitis more often. But the exact opposite is true. I dont want anything from these women. Im not looking to take anything. Im not trying "to get" sex. Its more along the lines of giving. All I do is give give give. I give them something to smile about, to enjoy. I make things fun and interesting for them. I appreciate them and show them how to appreciate themselves. I add nothing but quality to their lives. And in asking nothing in return, they respond in kind.

They add more to my life. They give to me. They WANT to make me happy and do for me what I do for them. And thats in the nature of a woman who's being led. To follow in like fashion. And yes, this translates into sex. Alot of times, sex isnt something I have to convince a girl to give. Its something that the both of us share. I'm a sexual person, I'm comfortable with that, and she accepts it that plainly.

At the same time, I make her feel comfortable with being a sexual person, because she is. Women want to be accepted and want to be sexual at the same time, so I make that ok for her, which leads to her WANTING sex. Its not some goal that Im trying to get to, its a natural progression of the interaction between us.

Granted, I couldnt be so successful with women without the PU skills. But thats the way it works, everything has its place. But you cant focus only on the skills and never build any of the qualities that the skills emulate and hope to have the level of satisfaction that you want. Theres simply more to it than JUST the material. And so many guys run away from this because they're looking for a quick fix, they want the magic bullet. And you need to hear this,

There is none.

The material is what it is. It demonstrates whatever trait or principle it was designed to as the event arises or it handles the logistics of a situation. And then you need more than that to fill in the gaps that the material doesnt cover. And that goes back to my first point about balance.

Although I wish I could, I cant teach a guy to love women. Its a choice, a process, a lifestyle, that one person really cant train another to do. You have to choose that, work towards it, and cultivate it yourself. In the same manner that Juggler or Mystery cant "teach" how to be comfortable with women, its something you have to build.

Something just for yall right here...

I love my women, and they love me. And that leads me to more opportunity with more women than I have the time for.

I try never to let any situation, any woman, or anything about her take away from how comfortable I am with women(her), how comfortable I am with being sexual, and how comfortable I am with myself.

Even more, I lead women where I want to go, but not just to get what I want, but to the benefit of us both. And none of this could I do if I didnt truly appreciate women.

Being successful with women is not about the lines you recite or the moves you make. Any loser can trick a woman into sleeping with him. That doesn't keep him from being a loser.

Its about who you are and where your focus is, not what you do. If you're comfortable with yourself, comfortable with women, and comfortable with being sexual, you ARE the kind of guy that is successful with women.